Friday, 29 May 2015

Mindfulness is stopping the world from thinking

"'One of the beliefs of this time is you've got to be yourself and develop your own potential, but only thinking of oneself is a feeble and cowardly activity. 

'Our potential on our own is very limited. We go to these motivational speakers and they say you can be anything you want to be. You can't. Your potential is very limited.'"

The Roswell Slides: Chronicle of a Mummy Foretold

"The deciphering of the placard showed what small groups, working together through the power of social networks can accomplish, and it could very well prove to be the model for a new UFOlogy in the XXIst century --moving from The Invisible College into The Open Source College."

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Kennedy Drops Bombshell: 70% News Ad Revenue From Pharma

"If you go on TV any night and watch the network news, you’ll see they become just a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. He also told me that he would fire a host who brought onto his station a guest who lost him a pharmaceutical account."

Schools across the country are literally building solitary confinement cells for children

"You do not need the police to be in the police state. Other author­ity fig­ures such as school admin­is­tra­tion offi­cials, secu­rity guards, or even your own doc­tor (e.g. – vac­ci­na­tions or med­ical advice) are serv­ing to enforce the total­i­tar­ian state."

Friday, 22 May 2015

5 Reasons Why Anarchy Would be an Improvement in Human Governance

"The hope of a secure livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists, who are dedicated to justice, peace, and brotherhood. The trailblazers in human, academic, scientific, and spiritual freedom have always been nonconformists. In any cause that concerns the progress of mankind, put your faith in the nonconformist."

Americans' Over-Sensitive 'Gaydar' Misses Mark by 600%

"Only 1.6 percent of adults said they were homosexual, and 0.7 percent self-identified as bisexuals. The overwhelming majority – more than 96 percent – classified themselves as straight.

According to Gallup, all available estimates of the actual homosexual population in the United States are 'far lower' than what Americans estimate."

BBC admits breaching its own rules by broadcasting pro-Israel propaganda

"Steel then tries to excuse Montague’s appalling silence as Israel’s defense minister took over the BBC airwaves by claiming that Montague was badly briefed by researchers and didn’t have much time to make the recording."

Professor: If You Read To Your Kids, You’re ‘Unfairly Disadvantaging’ Others

"At one point, Swift even flirted with the idea of 'simply abolishing the family' as a way of 'solving the social justice problem' because 'there would be a more level playing field' if we did."

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Canada's plan to make boycotting Israel a 'hate crime' is stupid and counterproductive

"It is worth remembering that tens of thousands of Jews throughout the world, and especially in America and Poland, called for a boycott of Nazi Germany in 1933."

1,400 investigated in child sex abuse inquiry, including politicians

"Hundreds of institutions have been identified by victims of non-recent abuse as places where their abuse took place. These include 154 schools, 75 children’s homes, 40 religious institutions, 14 medical establishments, 11 community groups, nine prisons or young offender institutions, nine sports venues and 28 other places including military establishments."

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The Trouble With Scientists

"The idea, says Nosek, is that researchers 'write down in advance what their study is for and what they think will happen.' Then when they do their experiments, they agree to be bound to analyzing the results strictly within the confines of that original plan. It sounds utterly elementary, like the kind of thing we teach children about how to do science. And indeed it is—but it is rarely what happens."

Aboriginal legends reveal ancient secrets to science

"Mr Reid says the relative isolation of Australia's indigenous people - living for 50,000 years more or less free from cultural disruptions - and the conservative nature of their culture could help explain why there is so much detail in their stories."

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

The War on Human Nature

"In one well-known incident at a 1978 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 'antagonists commandeered the podium as Wilson was scheduled to speak, delivered a five-minute diatribe against him and his works, and concluded by pouring a pitcher of water over him. . . .'"

Rebels in the Elite

"If a critical voice is allowed to exist in mainstream culture, it is because it is promoted (whether explicitly or implicitly by being tolerated) by elite factions, sometimes in competition with each other. The question I want to pose is: is nationalism a possible option and subject debate for our elites, particularly in Europe? Is electoral politics and mainstream debate a worthwhile enterprise, or should we sit tight and prepare our cadres for 'the revolution'?"

Monday, 18 May 2015

Earth shattering, pigs flying, Hell freezing nutrition news

"Why is all of this so earth-shattering? Well, it brings an end to the era of jumping to conclusions and issuing recommendations before we had the science. It brings an end to a big experiment on the American people and, by extension, the rest of the world, which has failed miserably. It is an acknowledgment that the recommendations to restrict fat, most particularly saturated fat, which led to the recommendation to eat more than half of our energy intake EVERY day from carbohydrates was…WRONG!"

Secret files reveal police feared that Trekkies could turn on society

"It has emerged that Scotland Yard kept a secret dossier on Star Trek, The X-Files, and other US sci fi shows amid fears that British fans would go mad and kill themselves, turn against society or start a weird cult."

Artificial intelligence experts are building the world’s angriest robot. Should you be scared?

"The future of Artificial Intelligence is extremely uncertain, and computer scientists like Dr Armstrong are working to make sure we’ll be safe from dangerous robots. But for now, the angry robot in New Zealand poses no serious threat."

So What Did The Thug Brigade Expect?

"The difference with the cops is that they invariably cover up for each other, their unions invariably back up those who have committed outrageous and illegal acts and when confronted with their behavior the invariable response is to whine and cry about how dangerous their job is, as if this somehow presents justification for wanton and egregious violations of everyone's rights up to and including imprisoning under false pretense or even murdering anyone they want."

What if Putin is Telling the Truth?

"The Russian security forces soon discovered that most of the Chechen Afghan Arab terrorists had fled. They had gotten safe haven in Turkey, a NATO member; in Azerbaijan, by then almost a NATO Member; or in Germany, a NATO Member; or in Dubai–one of the closest US Allies in the Arab States, and Qatar-another very close US ally. In other words, the Chechen terrorists were given NATO safe haven."

Is Washington Coming To Its Senses?

"The celebration in Moscow made it clear that Washington has failed miserably to isolate Russia. What Washington has done is to make the BRICS more unified."

Why NSA surveillance is worse than you’ve ever imagined

"'It does become the problem of one death is a tragedy and a million is a statistic,' he replied, 'where today we have the violation of one person's rights is a tragedy and the violation of a million is a statistic. The NSA is violating the rights of every American citizen every day on a comprehensive and ongoing basis. And that can numb us."

Sunday, 17 May 2015

The Most Common Mental Health Problem is ‘Contagious’

"This study is a landmark, because it is the first to clearly establish the early transmission of anxiety symptoms from parents to children, not through their shared genetic background, but rather from the way in which anxious parents raise their children."

Early humans had gender equality

"There is still this wider perception that hunter-gatherers are more macho or male-dominated. We'd argue it was only with the emergence of agriculture, when people could start to accumulate resources, that inequality emerged."

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Clam gardens call into question hunter-gatherer past of B.C. First Nations

"Lepofsky said the 'pervasive' idea that First Nations were hunter-gatherers made it easier for colonists to justify taking over the land because the resource management differed from traditional European methods."

India Plans to Build 100 “Smart” Cities for the Elites

"The only problem is, it's not their money. They're doing this at the expense of everyone else. This city is not being funded out of their own pocket, it's being built with tax dollars, and the land will probably be stolen from local residents through eminent domain. This is a classic example of wealthy elites and corrupt politicians working hand it hand to maintain their power and standard of living. They're building their gilded atrocity on the backs of everyday citizens who, make no mistake, will not see any of the benefits."

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Ilan Pappe on the western awakening and what it means for Israel/Palestine

"The distance between realising what was going on and articulating it - namely a process you call self-censorship, continued for almost a decade (in the case of most liberal Zionists they can do it for a lifetime which must cause them enormous medical problems). The only way of trying to convince them is first by not underestimating the difficulty of giving up a prestigious position and secondly repeatedly tell them about the sense of liberation and relief one has, when you are out of the frame of mind."

In September, The UN Launches A Major Sustainable Development Agenda For The Entire Planet

"For those wishing to expand the scope of 'global governance', sustainable development is the perfect umbrella because just about all human activity affects the environment in some way.  The phrase 'for the good of the planet' can be used as an excuse to micromanage virtually every aspect of our lives."

190 Scientists & Experts Urge UN to Deal with Emerging Wireless Public Health Crisis

"The scientists who have signed the Appeal have collectively published over 2,000 peer-reviewed papers on the biological or health effects of non-ionizing radiation."

The 'Love Hormone' May be Making You a Liar

"This latest research looks into the theory that the hormone encourages greater feelings of association between people, making them more willing to bend or break ethical responsibilities for the sake of their group.

Why Some People React More Emotionally To Life’s Ups and Downs

"People really do see the world differently. For people with this gene variation, the emotionally relevant things in the world stand out much more."

Ottawa cites hate crime laws when asked about its 'zero tolerance' for Israel boycotters

"'It is the right and duty of citizens in any free state to engage in constructive non-violent peaceful criticism of state actions and behaviours,' says Patti Talbot, a senior staff member at the UCC.

The church sees itself as anti-racist and progressive, which is why it was horrified by the government's description of its advocacy as anti-Semitism, and worried by the declaration of zero tolerance.

'How is [zero tolerance] going to manifest itself?' asks Talbot. 'It could be directed against the United Church, it could be directed at a gamut of individuals in Canadian civil society. People of goodwill.'"

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Reflections on the skeptic and atheist movements

"The Harris-Chomsky exchange, in my mind, summarizes a lot of what I find unpleasant about SAM: a community who worships celebrities who are often intellectual dilettantes, or at the very least have a tendency to talk about things of which they manifestly know very little; an ugly undertone of in-your-face confrontation and I'm-smarter-than-you-because-I-agree-with [insert your favorite New Atheist or equivalent]; loud proclamations about following reason and evidence wherever they may lead, accompanied by a degree of groupthink and unwillingness to change one's mind that is trumped only by religious fundamentalists; and, lately, a willingness to engage in public shaming and other vicious social networking practices any time someone says something that doesn't fit our own opinions, all the while of course claiming to protect 'free speech' at all costs."

Monday, 11 May 2015

Here's What Just a Few Days Without Electronic Devices Did For Children Reading Human Emotion

"'Many people are looking at the benefits of digital media in education, and not many are looking at the costs,' said Patricia Greenfield, a distinguished professor of psychology in the UCLA College and senior author of the study. 'Decreased sensitivity to emotional cues -- losing the ability to understand the emotions of other people -- is one of the costs. The displacement of in-person social interaction by screen interaction seems to be reducing social skills.'"

Top 3 Needs For Happy Life — Fascinating Changes Since 1938

"Eighty years ago the top three things people thought were most important for happiness were security, knowledge and religion.

By 2014 only security was still in the top three, and the other two spots had changed to good humour and leisure."

Egypt's animal mummy 'scandal' revealed

"We don't think it's forgery or fakery. It's just that they were using everything they could find. And often the most beautifully wrapped mummies don't contain the animal remains themselves."

Sunday, 10 May 2015

The Great Stagnation: When Futurism Fails

"It's kind of amazing to me that all the skeptics out there never give Bigfoot a rest for a minute or two to train their sights on the endless bullshit that emanates from the PR departments of Big Science. And by 'kind of amazing' I mean 'not even remotely surprising'. There is an ideology at work here."

Police Seize 10 Children From ‘Off-Grid’ Homeschool Family

"Friends reported no concerns about how the children were being treated by the parents, who follow an educational model called 'unschooling' where the children decide their own curriculum based on the subjects that interest them and what their strengths are."

"Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever.  All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent.  But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their 'off the grid lifestyle', they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them."

40,000-year-old bracelet made by extinct human species found

"'The ancient master' he said, 'was skilled in techniques previously considered not characteristic for the Palaeolithic era, such as easel speed drilling, boring tool type rasp, grinding and polishing with a leather and skins of varying degrees of tanning.'"

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Flawed Medical Research May Be Ruining Your Health

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue."

The Roswell Slides That Aren’t!

"This event, in my opinion, has done more damage to UFOlogy than anything else, and those behind it should be questioned on what their true motives really are. To decline interviews because they aren’t paying, speaks volumes."

 "The biggest tragedy in this utterly sorry saga is that Roswell – in my view, anyway – is still a genuine enigma of very mysterious proportions. But, the slides have done nothing but utterly damage the investigation into what really happened on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico in the summer of 1947. And, just maybe, the slides have damaged the investigation to a 100 percent, irreversible degree."

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

How to win any argument: pseudo-scientific neuro-gibberish

"Neuroscientific explanations – involving phrases such as 'prefrontal cortex' and 'neural circuitry' – were consistently rated the most convincing, even when the information was pointless and offered no further insight. The authors concluded that participants found neuroscience to be the most alluring explanation for psychological findings, even when it shouldn’t be."

Monday, 4 May 2015

Who’s Crazy Now? American Psychological Association Supported Torture “At Every Critical Juncture”

"The involvement of health professionals in the Bush-era interrogation program was significant because it enabled the Justice Department to argue in secret opinions that the program was legal and did not constitute torture, since the interrogations were being monitored by health professionals to make sure they were safe."

Friday, 1 May 2015

Night of horror at Ben Gurion airport for two French music students

"Every year, at Ben Gurion airport, numerous visitors from a variety of origins are treated similarly. Their most elementary human rights are flouted: violation of intimacy, psychological torture, dehumanization, racism, theft, trauma. Few of them present a real danger to Israel. In this way, Israel interferes with the smooth development of a great number of humanitarian, cultural, and other projects. At present, nothing is done about this. What happens at that border is unknown to all."