Thursday, 31 December 2015
Confessions of an Idiot
I had a prolonged, traumatic birth, as a terrible winter storm raged outside. I eventually arrived on the leap day of 1984, with a scar on one cheek from the doctor's forceps.
When I was a couple of years old, the neighbour boy knocked me unconscious with a lead pipe. He was pretending to play baseball. The stitches left a scar on my forehead over my third eye.
When I was six or seven, I saw a flashing electric blue rectangle descend from the night sky. It was outside my window and behind some trees, but nothing about it looked like anything I'd seen before or since. I thought it over, and couldn't see any good coming from discussing it with the adults. The experience was never integrated, only occluded by being ignored.
When I was twelve or thirteen I began to develop a neurotic melancholia. My brother was gone from the house, and my parents' marriage had started the slow and quiet march to dissolution. I had gleaned from my social studies classes that my nation had no identity of its own, and it was increasingly clear that my education was a boring waste of my talents. I had every opportunity to develop the bad cognitive habits and bodily environment for a pernicious and persistent depression. These behavioural and biochemical ruts can be overcome, and the thought of quitting made a friendly gadfly, but any mental illness leaves a mark that never fully leaves.
I went to Trent University to learn how to be academically critical of my society. The unheralded Semitic cynicism of the theorists on offer neglected the constructive responsibilities of philosophy. We only destroyed. It was understood but never justified that an egalitarian communist utopia would fill the resultant void.
I could only do well in philosophy and cultural studies by keeping them strictly delineated and compartmentalised in my mind. Cultural studies selected from every discipline, but its critique was beholden only to pissy projection.
When I returned from Ontario in disgrace and confusion, and without Honours, my feeling of affinity for the moustache man and his project had become so acute that I took myself to have my head checked. The NS Hospital was no help. They deemed me sane. This would be a valuable tether in the years to come.
Cannabis had made the existential ache endurable, so it had been no great leap to obey the cultural script and proceed to other psychoactive substances--only to discover how at-home they made me feel. I learned the warp and woof of tryptamines and phenethylamines, of illumination and The Void. On a summer off from school, down by the brook, on a bottle of cough syrup, some mushrooms, and a beer, I became aware of a consciousness greater than myself. In the morning, I cast Him out as only chemical.
When those chemicals no longer had as much to teach me, I moved on to the hard stuff: exopolitics, the New Age, and conspiracy theory.
I had exhausted my education; there were still too many missing pieces in my understanding before I would be able to make psychological and philosophical sense of those classes.
I had exhausted entheogens; absent a proper initiation by a carrier of a wisdom tradition (or the time, security, stability, and supplies to rigourously develop my own tradition) neo-shamanism seemed to be a pie-eyed dead end, in terms of obtaining reliable and consistent information.
Cultural studies had at least made me cognizant of our capacity for self-delusion, and of the cultural mediation of reality. Psychedelics had made me aware of dimensions normally unseen. With the hope that my philosophy classes in logic and reasoning were still working for me, it seemed the right time to cross my Rubicon--and try to learn profound things from the scary, dangerous, and untrustworthy Internet. After all, those disreputable drugs hadn't been so bad!
I made vast strides into the unknown over a very short period. In a flurry of cheap documentaries and questionable interviews, I caught up with ten years of paranormal, spiritual, conspiratorial, and batshit insane conversation. Much of it was remarkable, most was incredible, and all of it was far beyond the pale of polite conversation. I began to get comfortable with a constant consciousness of the limits of other people's realities.
There were certainly a lot of well-spoken people convinced of nefarious plots and epic cosmic battles. They referenced the same undocumented fancies, and it was easy to get swept up in excitement over the imminent disclosure of alien life, and our imminent ascension into fluffy rainbows. It was a strange time.
My pseudo-shamanic forays had finally begun to yield fruit. My mystical readings had begun to cohere and come alive. I was beginning to experience synchronicities.
I would hold conversations with an ethereal DJ. It selected the songs in my extensive playlist that would answer with uncanny insight the question I was pondering. First, the astonishment at such magic. Second, the slow recognition of its ubiquity.
As the new year approached, I made a resolution to undertake an experiment. It required a leap of faith. I decided to take up the provisional acceptance of a series of dubious claims.
If it was true that all existence is the fragmented consciousness of the One, all awareness must be made of the same stuff. If we're all reaching higher levels of consciousness on our climb back to wholeness, there are probably intermediary conglomerations of awareness of which we can be a part. If we're all connected through our common Source, it should be a simple matter to contact other intelligences by means of the very intelligence which seeks to make such a contact.
I resolved that in 2009 I would see a UFO.
I didn't step outside without looking up. I didn't look up without asking to see. Everywhere I went, everything I did, I held the thought in my mind that I wanted to make contact, I wanted to witness, I wanted to experience. I asked in earnestness and humility. I projected friendly compassion and curiosity. I wanted to see a flying saucer and I meant it.
On the night in February when I signed for an apartment with my girlfriend, I walked to my warehouse night shift down a darkened road. I was distracted from my feeling of relief and anticipation by a bright light in the sky straight ahead.
Before I had time to think about it, the word "angelic" popped into my mind. This word wasn't really in my vocabulary, so it surprised me enough that I immediately took a closer look at the light. It was too large and bright to be a planet, but it wasn't in motion except for a slight waver. Something about the luminous shimmer convinced me that it was suitably angelic, and in a moment I found myself asking it in my head if it was a UFO.
The light gently winked at me in a seeming affirmation.
A pregnant pause; one-two-three. A mugging double take wouldn't have been out of order. That really happened, didn't it? Another slow blink, after the same measure as the last question. The light hovered still, now resolutely unblinking.
I tried to command it, telling it to do it again. Instead, the light shrunk to the size of a faint star, and suddenly began moving to the right. It quickly expanded to a large black shape with lights on it that passed almost overhead. It was just enough like a plane that I could believe I had been fooled, and I spent the rest of the night laughing at the ambiguity of the sighting.
On further consideration, I couldn't remember a sound from an aircraft that came very close, nor a green light on the starboard side that faced me.
About a month after that first sighting, in a time of alienated despair, the floodgates were opened. After noticing a series of strange aerial things one night, I saw a nearby flying object instantly reverse on its course without turning around--and there was no going back.
Over the course of 2009, forever to be remembered as That Year, I saw multiple daytime discs, luminous saucers, and glowing orbs, as well as countless suspicious lights that were surely almost all conventional. Often enough, the more striking appearances seemed to interact with me and my expectations. I found them to be playful, but also seemingly compassionate, sometimes responding to my emotional need to see them at a certain time or place, sometimes performing a novelty when I asked nicely.
It culminated in a pink saucer shrouded in mist going past my apartment window one afternoon like it was going for a Sunday drive. This time our requisite exchange of recognition manifested as the orange-pink light of the object brightening responsively, and then the trail of vapour behind it got correspondingly longer. Somehow this simple physical logic was too much. Weird phantasms passing over populated areas are fine, but if they behave like they're real? I had seen enough.
It was around this time that I was becoming preoccupied with my soul's mission, and beginning to suspect that my favourite singer-songwriter might be an evil sorcerer. I had to grudgingly admit that it might be a good time to pause and reflect.
I reflected in retreat for years, exploiting the goodwill of friends and family to survive, struggling not to succumb to this new madness I didn't understand, or an old sadness I knew all too well. I went back over everything; every experience, but also every fact and argument that led me there, and every one that followed from it. I adopted more nuanced perspectives on secrets and mysteries. I became more sure of some things and less sure of others. Mostly I languished.
There is still no idiom sufficient to take account of reality. Not science, not religion, not the left or right, not the high or straight. Mostly there is insular confusion. A vast spinning cosmos surrounds us, and we're too ridiculous to assume our inherent dignity and face that universe.
I have fled from my experiences even as I struggle to understand them. The truth is that I have to let them be. I don't understand everything, and I have to let that be. Most people are ignorant dumbasses without a shred of passion or curiosity, and I have to let that be. There's too much to learn and teach and explore and discover to be held back by not knowing the destination, or not getting everyone to take the journey.
The Magic of John Cale
The latest development in the Land of Nod
Says the animals got the best of us all
Lost in the miles of the 20th century
Cocktail parties and things
If we could work it out
We'd have done it by now
If we could work it out
Don't you think we'd have it done?
-"Indistinct Notion of Cool," John Cale, Walking on Locusts
When the postwar generation came of age, adulthood greeted them with a Dionysian orgy. Long-suppressed pagan urges were let loose without cultural grounding. Sex and drugs were freely enjoyed without a meaningful and historically-conscious social context.
For a semantically-softened populace, art stepped in to explain what was going on. Rock provided the soundtrack, psychedelia and folk informing the optimism of the time.
Standing in the corner, dressed in black, arms folded, were the Velvet Underground. The seed of a grungy, distorted tradition of musical nihilism was already planted, nurtured by Andy Warhol, and soon to bloom into glam, punk, noise, and eventually a mandatory music called "alternative rock."
Lou Reed's lyrical subject matter would receive the most notoriety, but it was John Cale who arranged and refined the sonic backdrop that animated Reed's songs. Cale didn't receive credit for producing the first two Velvet Underground records, but it's understood that he did the job. He went on to produce debuts by the Stooges, the Modern Lovers, and Patti Smith. When the lines of influence on subsequent artists are traced, Cale's reputation in New York in the late 70s as "the godfather of punk" becomes a reasonable proposition.
Before the Velvets, Cale had learned how to play drone music with La Monte Young. This sometimes involved holding a note for an hour at a time. The kind of entrainment following from such an exercise can be useful for the alteration of consciousness, but techniques first developed in India for getting closer to an ultimate mystic reality were now to be re-purposed to make the mud sound sexier. With an insistent beat, loud volume, and persistent tones, any message can be delivered more forcefully, and potentially more subliminally.
Cale's social maladjustment may well be attributed to being abused by a priest as a child, and his drug abuse to being prescribed opiates as a child. How should we understand his marginal success, expertly crafting a miserable canon of neglected art rock?
Willfully uncommercial yet doggedly hard-working, John Cale has cut an interesting path. After making a profound impact on music history, he used the songs of his solo career as a series of masks and genre exercises, too eccentric to appeal to the masses. This relative lack of attention permitted him to comment on society, psychology, and history in ways more direct than many of his contemporaries. He was writing songs for sullen intellectuals with bitter tastes, and providing an artistic precedent for tools of crowd control to be applied to the maverick depressive set.
Among informed hipsters and music snobs, Cale's importance in bringing distorted psychosis to rock music is undisputed. What may surprise some is that the sad jester has been recognised by the Crown for his efforts.
In 2010, John Cale was inducted into the Order of the British Empire, "For services to Music and to the Arts." It's almost as if the Empire, such as it remains, is somehow served by hypnotic songs engendering apathy and debauchery.
You're just feeling some of the magic
But you're feelin' it
This is just some of the magic
I write reams of this shit every day
But you're feelin' it
Where's the heat coming from, Brotherman, Brotherman?
Very uncomfortable... but you're feelin' it
Where the hype coming from, Brotherman, Brotherman?
Out there in the courtyard with Uncle Sam
-"Brotherman," John Cale, blackAcetate
Further reading
Says the animals got the best of us all
Lost in the miles of the 20th century
Cocktail parties and things
If we could work it out
We'd have done it by now
If we could work it out
Don't you think we'd have it done?
-"Indistinct Notion of Cool," John Cale, Walking on Locusts
When the postwar generation came of age, adulthood greeted them with a Dionysian orgy. Long-suppressed pagan urges were let loose without cultural grounding. Sex and drugs were freely enjoyed without a meaningful and historically-conscious social context.
For a semantically-softened populace, art stepped in to explain what was going on. Rock provided the soundtrack, psychedelia and folk informing the optimism of the time.
Standing in the corner, dressed in black, arms folded, were the Velvet Underground. The seed of a grungy, distorted tradition of musical nihilism was already planted, nurtured by Andy Warhol, and soon to bloom into glam, punk, noise, and eventually a mandatory music called "alternative rock."
Lou Reed's lyrical subject matter would receive the most notoriety, but it was John Cale who arranged and refined the sonic backdrop that animated Reed's songs. Cale didn't receive credit for producing the first two Velvet Underground records, but it's understood that he did the job. He went on to produce debuts by the Stooges, the Modern Lovers, and Patti Smith. When the lines of influence on subsequent artists are traced, Cale's reputation in New York in the late 70s as "the godfather of punk" becomes a reasonable proposition.
Before the Velvets, Cale had learned how to play drone music with La Monte Young. This sometimes involved holding a note for an hour at a time. The kind of entrainment following from such an exercise can be useful for the alteration of consciousness, but techniques first developed in India for getting closer to an ultimate mystic reality were now to be re-purposed to make the mud sound sexier. With an insistent beat, loud volume, and persistent tones, any message can be delivered more forcefully, and potentially more subliminally.
Cale's social maladjustment may well be attributed to being abused by a priest as a child, and his drug abuse to being prescribed opiates as a child. How should we understand his marginal success, expertly crafting a miserable canon of neglected art rock?
Willfully uncommercial yet doggedly hard-working, John Cale has cut an interesting path. After making a profound impact on music history, he used the songs of his solo career as a series of masks and genre exercises, too eccentric to appeal to the masses. This relative lack of attention permitted him to comment on society, psychology, and history in ways more direct than many of his contemporaries. He was writing songs for sullen intellectuals with bitter tastes, and providing an artistic precedent for tools of crowd control to be applied to the maverick depressive set.
Among informed hipsters and music snobs, Cale's importance in bringing distorted psychosis to rock music is undisputed. What may surprise some is that the sad jester has been recognised by the Crown for his efforts.
In 2010, John Cale was inducted into the Order of the British Empire, "For services to Music and to the Arts." It's almost as if the Empire, such as it remains, is somehow served by hypnotic songs engendering apathy and debauchery.
You're just feeling some of the magic
But you're feelin' it
This is just some of the magic
I write reams of this shit every day
But you're feelin' it
Where's the heat coming from, Brotherman, Brotherman?
Very uncomfortable... but you're feelin' it
Where the hype coming from, Brotherman, Brotherman?
Out there in the courtyard with Uncle Sam
-"Brotherman," John Cale, blackAcetate
Further reading
Thursday, 24 December 2015
The Top 10 Retractions of 2015
Can’t make this stuff up: This spring, we found a retraction in the Indian Journal of Dermatology of a guideline for detecting and dealing with plagiarism, by Thorakkal Shamim. The reason the paper was pulled? Plagiarism.
Sweden’s public broadcaster bans the word “immigrant”
The language manual also warns staff against using the words “black“, “dark skinned“, or “African origin” in a negative context.
It says they should refer to them as “Swedish” if they have Swedish citizenship.
However, it tells SVT staff that using the term “white” or “fair skinned” in the same negative context is absolutely fine.
It says they should refer to them as “Swedish” if they have Swedish citizenship.
However, it tells SVT staff that using the term “white” or “fair skinned” in the same negative context is absolutely fine.
Monday, 21 December 2015
Cross-Shaped UFOs Are Being Reported Over War Zones
A good case could be made that this is a perfect spot to see how the
population would react to a Project Blue Beam-type religious projection
or distribution of CGI videos with a religious connotation. Based on the
activity in social media, the pictures and reports seem to have
generated a strong response.
How Language Influences Emotion
Our current sense of the word “emotion” is deeply ingrained in an early
19th-century view of what it is to be human: that we’re a mechanistic
body evolved from animals, and that our psychology is rooted in the
world, as opposed to given by God. The key thing about this is that it
imagines the body and the psychology working together as a secular
Star Wars, ancient Tibet, and Jedi training
"The conclusion of the study was that the reported subjective experience
of exceptional spaciousness, or timelessness, reported by some advanced
meditators, appears to be objectively correct. That is, their
subjective sense of 'now' appears to expand substantially, and our
experiment indicates that this was not an illusion."
Saturday, 19 December 2015
30% of GOP voters support bombing the city from Aladdin
Almost one-third of Republican primary voters would support bombing the
fictional kingdom of Agrabah, according to a report released by Public
Policy Polling on Friday.
4 out of 5 say they would prefer Russian president than Cameron as UK leader
Asked 'Who would you rather was Britain's prime minister?', 78 per cent
chose the Russian president, while 22 per cent voted for Mr Cameron.
Yale Students Eagerly Sign Petition to Repeal the First Amendment
The fact that some of the supposedly best and brightest college students
this country has to offer are practically jumping up and down with glee
to attempt to get rid of one of the most important natural rights we
have as human beings just kinda makes me throw up in my mouth a little.
Star Wars porn sees 500% sales growth in two weeks
"The spike in sales for the parody is representative of a much larger
trend of brand-specific merchandise for Star Wars, which shows the strong bond fans have with the movies."
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Cancer caused by environmental factors, not 'bad luck'
Modern lifestyles are causing 90 per cent of cancers, according to new research.
New Miley Cyrus Music Video Promotes The Sexualization of Infants
The transformation from a seemingly wholesome American girl into super
whore (sex slave) began young, with it becoming obvious to anyone with a
semi-functional brain that Miley was being sexually exploited, and also
being used to transform her fans into pornographic prepubescents.
Startling new report on Oak Island is set to ‘rewrite history’
“I think as humans we have evolved enough to be able to handle the truth
now. It’s time for theory to be reflected by hard science. Even if
there’s no gold inside Oak Island - it’s a trillion-dollar treasure we
are uncovering in history for our children and grandchildren.”
Elite Plan to Escape to Mars
put out an article this week claiming that the new commercial space
projects by billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are actually
about an escape hatch for the wealthy elite one percent who plan to
escape to Mars and leave the rest of us “to suffer on a dying, warring
In 5 years, a robot could be your boss
Not surprisingly, many managers feel threatened by robots -- managers in
electronics and high tech are most concerned that robots could threaten
their positions (50%), followed by banking managers (49%), managers in
the airline sector (42%) and retail (41%), the Accenture data show-- as
do many workers.
Elite scientists can hold back science
Here's the pattern: After the unexpected death of a rock-star scientist,
their frequent collaborators — the junior researchers who authored
papers with them — suddenly see a drop in publication. At the same time,
there is a marked increase in published work by other newcomers to the
Computers now know when you're angry
Thanks to advances in modern technology, Jenkins and his colleagues can
now gather and process enough data points from your cursor movement to
measure those deviations and indicate your emotional state.
Trudeau's Canada, Again
Trudeau’s most radical argument is that Canada is becoming a new kind of
state, defined not by its European history but by the multiplicity of
its identities from all over the world. His embrace of a pan-cultural
heritage makes him an avatar of his father’s vision. ‘‘There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,’’ he claimed. ‘‘There are shared
values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be
there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those
qualities are what make us the first postnational state.’’
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Millionaire cleared of rape after claiming he ‘accidentally penetrated’ teenager
A London court has cleared property developer Ehsan Abdulaziz, 46, of
raping an 18-year-old girl after just 30 minutes of deliberation. The
London-based Saudi millionaire claimed he may have accidentally
penetrated the teenager after he fell on her.
The Road to Galactic Serfdom
Shortly after 9/11, Vice President Dick Cheney said on television, “We
also have to work, though, sort of the dark side, if you will.” And,
stricken with terror and indulging in hate, America did embrace the dark
side, accepting torture, indefinite detention, warrantless
surveillance, assassination, perpetual illegal wars, and mass civilian
NIH-funded trials dip, industry trials on the rise
The pharmaceutical industry tests its own
products, while the NIH funds tests of treatment approaches, including
lifestyle interventions or drug comparisons, which industry tends not to
fund because they do not lead to an increase in their bottom line.
Vegetarian diets could be bad for environment
“Eggplant, celery and cucumbers look particularly bad when compared to pork or chicken.”
The Illusion of Western News
Patently, the censorship is correlated with specific sources
of commercial advertising income, which is over-riding the Western
public interest in knowing what is really going on in Yemen and how
their governments are involved in violations of international law,
including state-sponsored terrorism.
Kindness, charitable behavior influenced by amygdala
"Generally our actor monkeys prefer to reward the other monkey rather
than let it go unclaimed," Platt said. Relationship status matters, too.
"They are more likely to give to those they're more familiar with," he
added, "and also to monkeys subordinate to them. The social
relationships shape how prosocial the actor monkeys are."
UFO truthers want to make Roswell an issue for 2016. Meet their lobbyist.
“He’s one of the most overly optimistic people I’ve ever met,” said
Joseph Buchman, a fellow true believer. “I find that endearing, but I
don’t know if it’s quite as close to happening as he thinks it is.”
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Your Attitude About Aging May Impact How You Age
“Positive age stereotypes seem protective of not experiencing these
biomarkers,” she says—so if we can find a way to promote positive age
stereotypes on a societal level, our brains may be better off once we
reach old age.
Helping Others Dampens the Effects of Everyday Stress
“It was surprising how strong and uniform the effects were across daily
experiences,” says Ansell. “For example, if a participant did engage in
more prosocial behaviors on stressful days there was essentially no
impact of stress on positive emotion or daily mental health. And there
was only a slight increase in negative emotion from stress if the
participant engaged in more prosocial behaviors.”
Monday, 14 December 2015
French court rules that “Native White French” do not exist
The court said that ‘native French’ as a group “does not cover any reality; legally, historically, biologically, or sociologically.”
“Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews, leftists, gypsies, disabled, Freemasons and even my gay friends, in solidarity: bring up your hard dicks! Let our consciences sleep under the pillow, and jump on the right-wing pussies offered (unfortunately sometimes pretty!) Hail to a vast altruistic copulation. Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.”
“Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews, leftists, gypsies, disabled, Freemasons and even my gay friends, in solidarity: bring up your hard dicks! Let our consciences sleep under the pillow, and jump on the right-wing pussies offered (unfortunately sometimes pretty!) Hail to a vast altruistic copulation. Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.”
Utah Reduced Chronic Homelessness By 91 Percent
Advocates say it takes time for people to get used to the fact that they
have a home. Some people will sleep in tents, inside their apartments.
Some will even go sleep on the streets a few nights a week.
Elon Musk launches $1bn fund to save world from AI
“Because of AI's surprising history, it's hard to predict when
human-level AI might come within reach,” they said in a statement. “When
it does, it'll be important to have a leading research institution
which can prioritise a good outcome for all over its own self-interest.”
artificial intelligence,
Facebook’s Top 10 Most Discussed Stories of 2015
The good news? Well, quite frankly this means that young people are
finally taking notice that the elite are drunk behind the wheel and
speeding up, rather than slowing down. This means the world is
collectively waking up.
“None of Us Had to Flee”
Laughing, the Syrian replied: “No (laughs). My friends and I are here
because we thought we’d find work. We did not like Turkey.”
Healthcare Costs Can Be Reduced By 43% With Yoga And Meditation
Evoking a relaxation response or a physiologic state of deep rest helps
alleviate stress and anxiety while positively benefiting one’s heart rate and blood pressure.
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Yale instructor at the center of racial protest to leave teaching role
“I have great respect and affection for my students, but I worry that
the current climate at Yale is not, in my view, conducive to the civil
dialogue and open inquiry required to solve our urgent societal
Thousands of Calais migrants to take over idyllic English tourist hamlet
He refused to reveal the locations of all current and planned sites
across the UK, adding: "We do not actively discuss the locations of
initial asylum accommodation, for the protection and privacy of these
vulnerable people."
Neo-Nazi demo sparks massive counter rallies
The right-wing demonstration ended peacefully about 4:00pm local time
(3:00pm GMT). However, the clashes between police and counter-protesters
continued. About 5:00pm local time (4:00pm GMT), police had to disperse
the crowd of demonstrators at the crossing between Karl Liebknecht and
Kurt Eisner streets “actively using water cannons, tear gas and pepper spray.” Many police officers as well as many protesters were injured in the incident, Leipziger Folkerszeitung reports.
Syria won’t negotiate with foreign terrorists
“This heavy bombardment is just to dissipate the anger within the
French public opinion, not to fight terrorism. If you want to fight
terrorism, you don’t wait for a shooting in order to fight terrorism.
Fighting terrorism is a principle.”
Neocons' Aggression Towards Sovereign States Destroying Earth
Neocons are the unhumans who created on purpose the "war against terror"
in order to gain a weapon against Russia and China. You can witness
these unhumans every day on talk TV and read them in the Weekly
Standard, National Review, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times,
the British, German, Australian, Canadian, and endless Western
Singing is a Beneficial Memory and Mood Hack
Given the increasing global prevalence and burden of dementia and the
limited resources in public health care for persons with dementia and
their family caregivers, it is important to find alternative ways to
maintain and stimulate cognitive, emotional, and social well-being in
this population. Our findings suggest that musical leisure activities
could be easily applied and widely used in dementia care and
Saturday, 12 December 2015
A Learning Advance in Artificial Intelligence Rivals Human Abilities
The improvements are noteworthy because so-called machine-vision systems
are becoming commonplace in many aspects of life, including car-safety
systems that detect pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as in video game
controls, Internet search and factory robots.
artificial intelligence,
Children Can Absorb 10x More Radiation In Their Bone Marrow
Based on the existing science, many public health experts believe
it is possible we will face an epidemic of cancers in the
future resulting from uncontrolled use of cell phones
and increased population exposure to WiFi and other wireless devices.
Mentally ill 16 times more likely to be killed by cops
“By dismantling the mental illness treatment system, we have
turned mental health crisis from a medical issue into a police matter,” Snook said. “This
is patently unfair, illogical and is proving harmful both to the
individual in desperate need of care and the officer who is forced to
British spooks 'could hack into children's toys for spying'
Mr Walker, whose organisation represents 850 UK technology firms,
added: “When we start to think, not just about the world today, but the
world in five, 10 years' time as the Internet of Things becomes more
real, and more pervasive... I think it requires careful thought in terms of where the limits should be."
How Bill Gates Is Causing the Collapse of Traditional Farming and Local Food Economies
I want you to reimagine Africa as a vibrant continent where farmers are
in control of their seed systems, are proud of their knowledge systems,
share seeds from generation to generation through the age-old practice
of exchange where they are self-reliant on a huge diversity of seeds
under their control, where women play an important role in production
decisions, seed selection, and breeding — and where our local food economies find their roots.
genetic engineering,
Hijrah and Jihad
Yes, there is a multicultural community being manufactured here, and it
is benefiting these global mega-corporations and the international
financial institutions that fund them. Europe and the U.S. as we know
them have served their purpose, but the ideals that many in these
nations still hold onto are a barrier to global corporate power, so they
must be “replaced” by people who are accustomed to living under tyranny
and less attached to real liberty.
All They Have Is Fear
A tattoo client of mine was recently
told by his human resources department that he was “too manly” and
needed to be more “gender fluid” because his “certainty about his
gender” might make those who were uncertain of their genders
uncomfortable. He was asked to shave his beard and wear baggy clothes to
hide his muscular frame. The Harrison Bergeron world of the Handicapper General is no longer dystopian fiction — it’s becoming dystopian fact!
Friday, 11 December 2015
Russia Is Backing Assad Alone Because He Alone Is Interested in Syria Stability
Right now that vital ingredient can only be supplied by the reimposition of order by Damascus. The folks in Washington, Paris and Ankara might
not like that, but they are not the ones facing a future of anarchy. And
indeed, the more they stand in the way of Damascus, the more chaos they
will help create.
10,000 Soldiers Desert Ukrainian Army
"Ukrainians have been protesting against the mobilization. They travel
to work abroad or simply reside at their relatives' in other countries.
Almost 1,3 million Ukrainian draftees live in Russia."
“Please, I’m not upset,” Yatsenyuk said while addressing the PPB speaker, “so there are lots of morons - let’s finish with the questions to the government.”
“Please, I’m not upset,” Yatsenyuk said while addressing the PPB speaker, “so there are lots of morons - let’s finish with the questions to the government.”
Thousands of Muslim clerics issue fatwa against evil Islamic State
"It is written in the Quran that killing one innocent person is equivalent to killing all humanity."
"Authorities have said the Mina crush and stampede occurred when two waves of pilgrims converged on a narrow road, suffocating or trampling to death those caught in the disaster. Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars on crowd control and safety measures for those attending the annual five-day pilgrimage, required of all able-bodied Muslims once in their life, but the sheer number of participants makes ensuring their safety difficult."
"Authorities have said the Mina crush and stampede occurred when two waves of pilgrims converged on a narrow road, suffocating or trampling to death those caught in the disaster. Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars on crowd control and safety measures for those attending the annual five-day pilgrimage, required of all able-bodied Muslims once in their life, but the sheer number of participants makes ensuring their safety difficult."
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Wholesale lies and deception from Obama in his televised speech to America on terrorism
By diabolical design through its divide and conquer strategy the ruling elite has set up its Trojan horse
now being unleashed throughout both Europe and North America to
purposely foment civil unrest, violence including terrorism as well as
class, racial and religious warfare. That's why when Obama and
other Western politicians piously preach their pie in the sky ideals of
tolerance and acceptance under the benign guise of multiculturalism,
the elite's puppets are actually fulfilling their demonic, treasonous
role to destroy America and Europe from within by willfully betraying
the very oaths they took to protect their citizens from both foreign and
domestic enemies.
free speech,
human rights,
Google’s chairman wants algorithms to censor the internet for hate speech
“It’s our responsibility to demonstrate that stability and free
expression go hand in hand,” he writes. “We should build tools to help
de-escalate tensions on social media—sort of like spell-checkers, but
for hate and harassment.”
free speech,
Will Syria Repeat the Fate of Libya, ‘Which No Longer Exists’?
“During the NATO bombardment of Libya, western media conveniently forgot
to mention that the United Nations had just prepared a lengthy dossier
praising Mr. Gaddafi’s human rights achievements."
human rights,
Smartphones to die out 'within five years'
Michael Björn, Head of Research at Ericsson ConsumerLab, said: "Some of
these trends may seem futuristic. But consumer interest in new
interaction paradigms such as AI and virtual reality (VR), as well as in
embedding the internet in the walls of homes or even in our bodies, is
quite strong."
We do have a 'grammar' in our head
This is a controversial conclusion from the perspective of current
research, the researchers note, because the notion of abstract,
hierarchical, grammar-based structure building is rather unpopular.
Declassified CIA Manual Shows How US Uses Bureaucracy to Destabilize Governments
It seems if any country should refrain from showcasing how easy it is
to disrupt inefficient federal agencies, however, it would be the
United States.
Su-24 downing gave grounds for war, but Russia decided against symmetrical response
“Yet we had to make them understand they’re going to hold
responsibility for their actions. Exactly for that reason and for the
safety of our citizens the relevant decisions were taken,” Medvedev said regarding the economic and other sanctions Russia has introduced towards Turkey.
Sri Lanka pleads for maid sentenced to death by stoning
"Your Majesty's kind intervention in pardoning these unfortunate victims
would enhance the high esteem in which Sri Lankans hold Islam, the
people and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia," said the Muslim Council of Sri
Flesh-eating skin disease grips ISIS-controlled areas in Syria
“As a result of abominable acts by ISIS that included the killing of
innocent people and dumping their corpses in streets, this is the
leading factor behind the rapid spread of Leishmanisis disease,” Dilqash Isa, the head of the Kurdish Red Crescent told the Kurdish Rudaw news.
human rights,
Trump Calls for “Closing the Internet,” Says Believing in “Freedom of Speech” is “Foolish”
Trump obviously knows his audience well and uses his position as a
cultural icon and skilled entertainer to embolden his fascist demagogue
status… and Americans can’t seem to get enough of it.
free speech,
Physical activity may leave the brain more open to change
"Our study suggests that physical activity,
which is also beneficial for the general health of the patient, could
be used to increase the efficiency of the treatment in adult patients,"
Lunghi says. "So, if you have a lazy eye, don't be lazy yourself!"
How Loneliness Wears on the Body
While access to good health care and nutrition
are essential to physical health in older people, social connections
may be just as important. Imagine if the most powerful health
intervention for the at-risk elderly isn’t a high-tech surgery or a
handful of expensive pills, but the simple exchange of stories over a
steaming cup of tea.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Seeing Green: The Importance of Nature for Our Health
World Health Organization projections indicate that in fewer than 20
years, 75 percent of the world’s population will live in urban settings,
compared with the current distribution of about 54 percent city
dwellers. The potential ability of a single factor — time in nature — to
counteract a cascade of stress hormones will have enormous implications
for us and future generations.
Is Turkey at War With Free Speech? 100 Arrested for 'Insulting' Erdogan
The total number of those who have been taken into custody over human rights issues in the period from January 1 through October 7 has reached
5,795 people, according to statistics contained in the report.
free speech,
human rights,
Does Fear Lead to Fascism? A Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror
For the final hammer of fascism to fall, it will require the most
crucial ingredient: the majority of the people will have to agree that
it’s not only expedient but necessary. In times of “crisis,” expediency
is upheld as the central principle—that is, in order to keep us safe and
secure, the government must militarize the police, strip us of basic
constitutional rights and criminalize virtually every form of behavior.
Woman stabbed at Art Basel Miami, gallery visitors confuse crime for modern art
A woman was stabbed at a Miami art gallery after accusing her attacker
of following her around and repeatedly bumping into her. But although
the victim was left bloody and fearing for her life, visitors didn't bat
an eyelid, assuming it was a performance.
Mammograms Increase Risk of Breast Cancer
In 1982, the FDA approved thermography for
breast cancer screening, yet most of the
medical establishment is either unaware of
it or still associates it with its early
false start. Since most women are also uninformed
of the technology there is no pressure on the medical
community to support it.
Scientist Who Discovered GMOs Cause Tumors in Rats Wins Landmark Defamation Lawsuit in Paris
The jury is still out on GMO safety to say the very least, just as countless independent scientists have
warned, and Séralini’s study stands as yet another cause for concern
with the ongoing GMO experiment. It also shows the lengths that the
Biotech industry will go to in order to discredit any independent
science that clashes with their own version of science.
genetic engineering,
Robots Could Fill Half of Jobs in Japan by 2035
According to media reports, Japan's residents mostly welcomed the
imminent "robo-revolution" because on the one hand it would allow the
mitigation of economic pressure on the quickly growing number of aging
people across the nation, while on the other it could provide job
seekers with the ability to conduct more creative work.
What your father ate before you were born could influence your health
"We did not expect to see such important changes in epigenetic information due to environmental pressure," says Barrès. "Discovering
that lifestyle and environmental factors, such as a person's nutritional
state, can shape the information in our gametes and thereby modify the
eating behaviour of the next generation is, to my mind, an important
find," he adds.
Monday, 7 December 2015
The Future of the West Can Be Seen in the Soviet Past
The aspiration actively not to understand the essence of
contemporary society, its hidden mechanisms and objective tendencies,
has become the dominant force in the intellectual conditioning of
Western society. People are prepared to spend time on anything except
laboring over books which will land them with the burden of cognition of
ugly reality. People are prepared to stuff their heads with anything
but bitter and merciless truths.
First worldwide survey of religion and science
The study's results
challenge longstanding assumptions about the science-faith interface.
While it is commonly assumed that most scientists are atheists, the
global perspective resulting from the study shows that this is simply
not the case.
Let Them Eat Cake: The Army of Fanatics at the Heart of Europe
The traitors responsible for the coming horrors will not escape the
judgment of history. Nor, if justice is served, will they escape
prosecution and punishment for what are, by their own liberal ideology,
unmistakable crimes against humanity. Decade after decade, the liberal elite have deliberately encouraged the murder, rape, impoverishment and
ethnic cleansing of Europe’s indigenous White population. While they are
up, Europe is down. As Europe rises, they will fall.
Sense of purpose in life linked to lower mortality and cardiovascular risk
The analysis showed a lower risk of death for participants with a high
sense of purpose in life. After adjusting for other factors, mortality
was about one-fifth lower for participants reporting a strong sense of
purpose, or ikigai.
We Don't Really Know What's Happening
The good news in all of this comes when we accept the facts and stop
running our brains on bad information. Yes, it would be nice to know
what’s really going on, but we don’t, and there isn’t much we can do
about it. So, it’s time to stop treating the news seriously.
Is Science Kind of a Scam?
The way scientists do think makes us aware of how we can think.
Samuel Johnson said that a performer riding on three horses may not
accomplish anything, but he increases our respect for the faculties of
man. The scientists who show that nature rides three horses at once—or
even two horses, on opposite sides of the universe—also widen our
respect for what we are capable of imagining, and it is this action, at
its own spooky distance, that really entangles our minds.
Meet the woman leading China's new organic farming army
"I don't think there's anything low about being a farmer," muses Wang. "It's not like we don't have any pressure to do
well, it's just a different kind of pressure. Working in other jobs, you
might be staying up late and having a lot of anxiety. Here, it's about
solving problems. For example, 'Are the chickens laying enough eggs? Is
there an issue with the tomatoes?' This is the kind of stress I can deal
with, and the work feels positive overall."
Friday, 4 December 2015
Islamic Society students disrupt university lecture on blasphemy and make 'death threat'
"Muslim students who attended the event were shocked and horrified by
statements made by Namazie, and peacefully expressed their dissent to
the disrespectful cartoons shown of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). These
students were subsequently made subject to unnecessary bullying, abuse
and violence by the ASH society and security staff."
Neighbors of shooters did not report them for fear of racial profiling
'She didn't want to do
any kind of racial profiling. She's like, 'I didn't call it in … maybe
it was just me thinking something that's not there.'
Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory
Israel has in one way or another become the main marketer of ISIS oil.
Without them, most ISIS-produced oil would have remained going between
Iraq, Syria and Turkey.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Conspiracy Theorists Might Actually Know More About Politics Than You
Don’t assume that people who believe in conspiracy theories are
uninformed and simply need more information about a situation.
Conservative conspiracy theorists are likely to be well-informed about
politics, and liberal conspiracy theorists aren't necessarily poorly informed. Having said that -- climate change is real, Bush didn't do 9/11 and you should still vaccinate your kids.
Why the Art World's Raging Narcissism Epidemic Is Killing Art
Real world Facebook and Twitter egotists set benchmarks for normal users
of social media, just like their art world counterparts. Both misshape
the wider cultural environment, but also open the floodgates to a more
extreme scenario—the normalization of narcissism.
How to Feel Normal in an Anomalistic Universe
We spend an inordinate amount of time talking about the pathological
delusions of true believers, the cognitive dissonance of skeptics, and
the fear of commitment of those who straddle the line. The focus has
shifted from a simple ontological statement that while our valuation of
science has an impressive track record of achievement, the universe
nonetheless keeps serving up oddities that throw a wrench in our
metaphysical project of comprehending the significance of human
existence and grasping at the nature of reality.
Austrian Villagers to Refugees: Please Don't Fear Krampus
The integration of Syrian and Iraqi refugees is facing a terrifying challenge in rural Austria this holiday season.
Is yoga culturally oppressive? That’s a stretch
Fortunately, according to Ms. Kuo, these issues do not apply to European
food – only to food created by non-white people. Which means that
anyone can appropriate the cuisine of my forebears – sauerkraut and
haggis, mainly – to their heart’s content. Not that anyone would want
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year
In the United States, in 2014, more cash and property transferred hands
via civil asset forfeiture than via burglary. The total value of asset
forfeitures was more than one-third of the total value of property
stolen by criminals in 2014. That represents something of a sea change
in the way police do business — and it's prompting plenty of scrutiny of the practice.
How You're Born May Affect Your Brain Development
Looking at the behavior of baby mice, the researchers found that
cesarean-born mice made softer cries when separated from their mothers
at 9 days old than mice born vaginally. This could be meaningful for a little mouse's life and survival, Forger said, because other research
has found that moms pay more attention to the mouse babies when they're
Why Do Some People Find Deepak Chopra Quotes Deep And Not Dung?
This kind of tendency also feeds into broadly resonating societal
effects, such as the susceptibilities that led—and still lead—some
people to chase false “cures” for everything from autism to cancer, to
follow false prophets who promise them transformation and revelation of
hidden beauty while giving them nothing, and to confuse categories of
existence and believe that the material is magical. And that is deeply,
deeply important to understand.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Is free speech really a right worth protecting anymore?
Those that are allowed to self-publish on the internet without any
regard for what they write are some of the worst, most hateful, racist
bigots left on planet Earth. To make matters worse, blacks and browns
are far less able to defend themselves on the online battlefield due to the far lower literacy rates that have been foisted upon them by white oppression.
Behind the ‘white student unions’ springing up at Australian universities
“We think the ideas and issues we’re raising have become more relevant
to students as a new strain of political correctness has swept across
the Western world over the past few years promoting ideas like ‘white privilege’. There are all these nasty ideas around now that white
people, particularly white men, are always ‘privileged’ regardless of
their background and personal circumstances and that if they suffer
hardship they deserve it, and that white people are the cause of
everything that’s wrong in the world.”
Nutella rejects personalised jar for five-year-old girl named Isis
Ms Taylor said she would not be in favour of putting the name "Hitler"
on a jar of Nutella, but her case was different because she named her
daughter before the rise of Islamic State, she said. She also has no
intention of changing her daughter's name, and argues the name Isis
needed to be reclaimed.
US asteroid-mining act is dangerous and potentially illegal
The idea that American companies can on the basis of domestic laws alone
systematically exploit mineral resources in space, despite huge
environmental risks, really amounts to the audacity of greed. The Romans
had this all correctly figured out in their legal maxim: “What concerns
all must be decided upon by all.”
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