So far, the hope that the importation of a million untrained and illiterate Third Worlders would produce a wirtschaftswunder (on par with the German people's recovery from the Second World War) has not yet come to pass.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Counter-Terrorism Officials Mystified
With four attacks in southern Germany coming shortly after the mass
murder of 84 people in Nice, counter-terrorism officials are struggling
to detect a common thread. Is there a single, defining feature to these
attacks that could offer clues on how to prevent more of them from
The Robot Butler Did It!
The good news is that the near future is going to see some rapid,
revolutionary changes that could dramatically enhance our lives. The bad
news is that the technologies pitched to “become successful and
transformative” in the next decade or so are extremely vulnerable to all
sorts of back-door, front-door, and side-door compromises.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
The Increasingly Problematic Coneheads of Peru
The two-thousand-year-old elongated skulls of Paracas, Peru have been proven by DNA testing to belong to aliens--they're European.
Farming Discovered By Separate Groups
A new analysis suggests that the rudiments of agriculture were developed independently by two different cultures in the Middle East, eventually merged, and spread from there, rather than a single diffusion from the southern Levant.
"A good manner in the village"
In Malawi it is believed that a forty-something man with HIV being paid to have sex with 12-year-olds is an important cleansing to avoid the infection of the community by the girls' irresponsible ways.
British Doctors See Over 100 Cases of FGM Every Week
Although it is not a British tradition, Britain has had a law against female genital mutilation for over thirty years. Nevertheless, health authorities recorded over 5,700 cases in just one year. The parents and their children do not perceive this as abuse, and curiously, neither does the law, as no convictions have been brought.
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Friday, 22 July 2016
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Racial and Religious Abuse Increasing Among Small Children
A three-year-old Mancunian has been questioned by police for a possible hate crime after causing "harassment, alarm, or distress" to his victim.
Jewish Boy Deplores White Privilege
Now I realize that it’s quite possible to find 14-year old White boys
who, having endured a standard American education, would deplore their
White privilege — that they are “ethnomasochists” as John Derbyshire would
have it. But it also seems to me that it’s more likely that such
sentiments would come from a Jewish boy raised in the home of left-wing Jewish activists.
Muslims Reject Man's Best Friend
Leaflets are being distributed in Manchester requesting that the British people live up to their multicultural values by keeping dogs out of the public space. Muslims do not like canines, because dogs are impure and chase away angels. The Brits must "learn to understand and respect" Muslim culture, or else Muslims won't feel safe, welcomed, and accepted in the UK.
Saturday, 16 July 2016
Augmented Reality Breeds Dysfunction
Players of the first big "augmented reality" game, Pokémon Go, have crashed a car, fallen off a cliff, and hopped a fence in the middle of the night to catch a digital nothing beside a tiger enclosure. In the process, they have been forced to accidentally get exercise (much to their chagrin), while also blissfully signing away their data to government, law enforcement, and private parties.
Friday, 15 July 2016
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
The Lone Gunman of Dallas
Randomly killing cops in the street serves no strategic purpose for any
genuine civil rights, activist or political group, which implies that
the people who actually committed these killings are agents provocateur
who killed a few cops in service to their agenda to further erode the
few freedoms and liberties left in the US, incite a race war, and usher
in an increasingly oppressive police state. Hillary Clinton is also
undoubtedly very grateful that the events in Dallas 'coincidentally'
sidelined the news that she committed a federal offense and should
therefore be ineligible to run for president.
Humans In China Before Humans Left Africa
“There is overwhelming evidence from fossil records that China was
populated with humans before the arrival of African settlers,” Liu said.
“They don’t live in one or two small areas, but thriving, almost everywhere.”
Humanity Got High After The Fall
Some of the most recent studies included in the database suggest that the herb entered the archaeological record of Japan and Eastern Europe at almost exactly the same time, between about 11,500 and 10,200 years ago.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Cop-Killing Cartoon Kosher
Facebook has decided that an image of a masked man slitting the throat
of a police officer with the message "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY" does not
at all violate their Community Standards.
Monday, 11 July 2016
The Status Quo as Moral Compass
If what we’re claiming is correct, changes in how people explain what’s
typical should change how they think about right and wrong. When people
have access to more information about how the world works, it might be
easier for them to imagine the world being different. In particular, if
people are given explanations they may not have considered initially,
they may be less likely to assume “what is” equals “what ought to be.”
Hillary Too Dumb To Do Wrong
The Democratic presidential nominee acted carelessly and recklessly in her treatment of classified information, but certainly not criminally. You see, she was perhaps not "sophisticated enough to understand" that "(C)" means "Classified." So there you have it. She looks forward to your vote.
Amor fati
Sunday, 10 July 2016
NORAD Tracks a UFO Almost Every Day
"The Canadian documents…indicate the Canadian government has been and
remains vitally concerned about the unauthorised incursion of
unidentified flying objects within Canadian airspace."
Friday, 8 July 2016
Blacks Not Systematically Murdered By Police
This does not mean that the police never unjustly kill Black people
or that any particular anecdote is false. But it does mean that we can
not infer from any anecdote the sort of generalized narratives which BLM
types are prone to pushing.
Attorney General and BLM Plan "Summer of Chaos"
"You know I can’t stand those white allies, but yo right this is the best
to use them. They hang on every word you say and will do whatever is asked. I just hate all that kiss ass they try to do. Like that changes
who they are."
Oedipus and Icarus Keep Falling
Computer analysis has suggested that there are six basic emotional arcs used in Western storytelling. One such simple arc was once described by Kurt Vonnegut as “man falls into hole, man gets out of hole.” Stories that end in a fall of emotional valence are found to be especially well-received, as well as those that present the various arcs in sequence. "In particular, the team says the most popular are stories involving two sequential man-in-hole arcs," suggesting pornography has better storytelling than we thought.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
George Takei Not Impressed By Story Change in His Honour
In the ongoing march of cultural appropriation, Star Trek's Hikaru Sulu (who was the only character shown to have a daughter in the original timeline, and who made advances on Uhura while space-drunk) is now gay--because writing new characters, and telling characters apart from the actors who played them, is hard.
science fiction,
23andMe Selling Customer's Genetic Data
It's just possible that 23andMe has not been collecting the DNA of 800,000 customers for altruistic genealogical purposes.
The Rape Culture of Lower Expectations
Left Party politician Barbro Sorman from Stockholm believes that not all rapes are created equal. Rapes committed by foreigners are a lesser offense. Immigrants should not be held to the same humane standard, because they don't have moral agency.
According to the tweet from her deleted Twitter account, "The Swedish men who rape do it despite the growing gender equality. They make an active choice. It's worse, imo." She later clarified for Sweden's Free Times, "I’m not saying it’s worse, of course not!"
According to the tweet from her deleted Twitter account, "The Swedish men who rape do it despite the growing gender equality. They make an active choice. It's worse, imo." She later clarified for Sweden's Free Times, "I’m not saying it’s worse, of course not!"
13% of Americans Would Prefer "President Giant Meteor"
A new poll suggests an apocalyptic firestorm, caused by a giant meteor, might be better than electing Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump--so thinks a portion of respondents larger than the supporters of the Libertarian and Green Party nominees put together. Support for the nascent Giant Meteor Party comes from all ends of the political spectrum, though with a slightly lower approval rating among moderates.
No Racial Bias Here
Van Harten said there wasn’t enough evidence to establish the claim that
Crowchief attacked White because of her skin color, despite the fact
that the perpetrator, who had never met the victim before the attack,
yelled “I hate white people” before throwing a punch.
Medical Marijuana Used As Medicine
The use of prescription drugs in states with medical cannabis laws has gone down across the board. It's estimated that if every state legalised cannabis, Medicare would save more than $468 million US on pharmaceuticals. It's possible there would even be savings if they began to cover this so-called "medicine" that many are now taking in lieu of expensive, toxic, patented and FDA-approved drugs.
A Government Leader Is Not A "Person Like Me"
Those who have a college indoctrination, regularly consume mainstream news media, and make a lot of money, have become more trusting of institutions in the eight years since the financial collapse of 2008. They are the "informed public." Everyone else, the "mass populations," have certain questions and concerns. This is corrosive to democracy! They should have more faith in government, for the good of society.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Hillary Above The Law
The Obama-appointed FBI Director gave a press conference showing that
she recklessly handled Top Secret information, engaged in conduct
prohibited by law, and lied about it repeatedly to the public. But she won’t be prosecuted or imprisoned for any of that, so Democrats are
celebrating. But if there is to be anything positive that can come from
this lowly affair, perhaps Democrats might start demanding the same
reasonable leniency and prosecutorial restraint for everyone else who
isn’t Hillary Clinton.
Radio Tunes Really Are Getting Stupider
In the course of just ten years, the reading skill necessary to understand popular songs in America has dropped a whole grade level, to somewhere between second and third grade. Between Hip-hop, Rock and Pop, and Country, Country fares the best, with Blake Shelton’s hit "All About Tonight" requiring an incredible 5.8 grade reading level (the song challenges with such utterances as "concoctions" and "Gatorade"). With electronic dance music already degraded to a series of farts and burps, it's only a matter of time before all music will be fully comprehensible to babies and smart dogs.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
The Truth Might Encourage Racism
24-year-old Selin Gören, national spokeswoman for the left-wing German youth movement Solid, was ambushed by three men late at night in a playground last January, and forced to perform a sex act. Gören, who works in Mannheim as a refugee activist, went straight to the police and told them she had been assaulted by German-speakers. They had in fact been speaking Arabic or Farsi, but conscious of the backlash following Cologne, she didn't want to paint migrants in a negative light.
She was convinced by her boyfriend to return to the police twelve hours later and tell what really happened, after another woman in the area was allegedly raped by refugees. That accusation was eventually retracted, so it appears that a lying racist bigot bad person got a well-meaning lying leftist to tell the truth about the sort of thing the racist bigots have to make up because it doesn't get reported when it really happens. Clear?
She was convinced by her boyfriend to return to the police twelve hours later and tell what really happened, after another woman in the area was allegedly raped by refugees. That accusation was eventually retracted, so it appears that a lying racist bigot bad person got a well-meaning lying leftist to tell the truth about the sort of thing the racist bigots have to make up because it doesn't get reported when it really happens. Clear?
Monday, 4 July 2016
Swedish Police Fight Sex Attacks With Wristbands
“By wearing these wristbands, young women will be able to make a stand.
No one should have to accept sexual molestation. So do not grope. And if
you are groped, report it to the police.”
The Gynocratic Nobility
Men, fearful of female disapproval, hid from the discussion or
overcompensated, accepting these irrational arguments. All the major
movements of the era: civil rights, feminism and immigration, all had
the strange consequence of increasing the number of both workers and
consumers. Wages began to stagnate and then, in real terms, fall. When
interest, debt service and taxes are considered, wages plummeted. That’s
not a coincidence. Feminism is a mystification.
Ancient Chinese Pictograms in North America
“Miscategorized and overlooked by modern anthropologists and
archaeologists (largely due to the fact that knowledge of ancient styles
of Chinese writing are not generally well-known, and the items
discussed … reside in difficult and remote locations) these unmistakable Chinese writings conclusively establish as a historical event the early
trans-Pacific presence of the Chinese people on the North American
Psychiatry and Possession
Is it possible to be a sophisticated psychiatrist and believe that evil spirits are, however seldom, assailing humans? Most of my scientific
colleagues and friends say no, because of their frequent contact with
patients who are deluded about demons, their general skepticism of the
supernatural, and their commitment to employ only standard,
peer-reviewed treatments that do not potentially mislead (a definite
risk) or harm vulnerable patients. But careful observation of the
evidence presented to me in my career has led me to believe that certain
extremely uncommon cases can be explained no other way.
"We didn't halt the parade, we made progress in the parade."
The first sitting prime minister of Canada to participate in the Toronto Pride parade was held up for half an hour by Black Lives Matter protestors demanding a more inclusive space that didn't have any police officers.
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Cupcakes for Some, Guilt for Others
“Bank Street wants to give kids of color a space to talk about shared
experiences,” Wahi explained in a parent handout, “because even in
society today, people of color are treated unfairly.”
“In the recent past,” she added, “children of color in our Lower School have been told by well-intentioned peers that their skin looks like the color of poop.”
“In the recent past,” she added, “children of color in our Lower School have been told by well-intentioned peers that their skin looks like the color of poop.”
Saturday, 2 July 2016
Weed Good For Old Minds
A trial of medical cannabis oil on people with symptoms of dementia has shown a significant reduction in delusional and apathetic behaviour, improbably enough.
Lessons From Sacramento
The leadership and ideologues of contemporary industrialized leftist
(including anarchist and communist) movements are Jews with a
Machiavellian racial motive, as well as rootless cosmopolitan
fad-chasing white bourgeoisie, and they feel those whites who do not
share their affinity for kale and “Polyamory” are hopelessly inferior,
or even a potential threat to their status and privilege.
My Generation, Baby
“Millennials” have become both a media scapegoat for, and a distraction
from, widespread economic suffering. Having experienced no economy other
than the recession’s false recovery, young Americans have arguably
suffered the most. The remedy lies not in judging their lifestyle
choices—or worse yet, perpetuating the illusion that they have money to
burn—but by acknowledging the new economy for what it is: a structural
crisis, one that future generations will share.
Bearded Children Hitting On Canadian Girls
The parent added that the Syrians “have started on the girls in the year
below who they are having success with. It’s really ugly, the Canadian
boys are very frustrated but are too scared to speak up (they know how
dangerous the ‘you’re a racist’ label will be for the rest of their
Chatbot Overturns 160,000 Parking Tickets
A robot lawyer has successfully appealed 64% of 250,000 parking tickets, resulting in millions of lost revenue for London and New York City. Next injustice to be fought by artificial intelligence: refugees navigating foreign legal systems.
artificial intelligence,
Boredom Good For Young Minds
“A child develops best when, like a young plant, he is left undisturbed
in the same soil. Too much travel, too much variety of impressions, are
not good for the young, and cause them as they grow up to become
incapable of enduring fruitful monotony.”
Friday, 1 July 2016
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